I love seeing the notes you leave yourself in your manuscript! I'm not nearly so harsh on myself in writing, but I've certainly *thought* all of that. ;)

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Ha thank you, Kathryn! Just think of the possibilities if you actually put those thoughts into print! Hee hee

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May 2Liked by Lance Rubin

I can’t wait to read the party sequence!

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Ha thank you, Danielle!

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I SO needed to read this today!

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Ahh I'm so glad, Sarvenaz! You got this.

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May 2Liked by Lance Rubin

Just wow❤️

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Thanks, Jean! So appreciate you reading.

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May 2Liked by Lance Rubin

Great stuff, writing is hard work and takes multiple drafts and edits to come to fruition. But your edit comments are hilarious, and make the point much more powerfully than describing it with trite descriptive phrases. Why do you think there was such a disconnect of first half with second half? Something happening in your llife perchance?

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Hey thanks, Dad! :) Ooh, I like this theory about the halves, but I think in this case it was more technical—the first half was all laying out problems and mystery, but when it came to solving those problems and unwinding the mystery in the second half, I hadn't quite connected all the dots yet ha.

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May 2Liked by Lance Rubin

I love this - I do the exact same thing when I read over my own writing. I especially like what you're saying about recognizing when something is funny but wondering if it's actually necessary or if it's just a joke. Making fun of your own words is sometimes just what the doctor ordered to get you back into the groove.

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Love that you do this too, Jamie! Totally gets you back in the groove. And yeah, the funny stuff really only merits inclusion when everything around it is working in terms of the story. Thanks for reading!

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